i already searched for solution and found a lot of unsolved or obsolete topics.
Custom wordpress gallery option | Custom field for default gallery
However, I´d like to add some custom fields (checkboxes, cyclebuttons etc.) to add attributes to the gallery shortcut. Does anyone have some snippes?
EDIT: Finally Ive found this https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-add-fields-to-gallery-settings and its doing all I want it to do. :)rownn
EDIT: Based on upper link I wrote following lines.
add_action('print_media_templates', function(){
<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-custom-gallery-setting">
<h3 style="z-index: -1;">___________________________________________________________________________________________</h3>
<h3>Custom Settings</h3>
<label class="setting">
<span><?php _e('Text'); ?></span>
<input type="text" value="" data-setting="ds_text" style="float:left;">
<label class="setting">
<span><?php _e('Textarea'); ?></span>
<textarea value="" data-setting="ds_textarea" style="float:left;"></textarea>
<label class="setting">
<span><?php _e('Number'); ?></span>
<input type="number" value="" data-setting="ds_number" style="float:left;" min="1" max="9">
<label class="setting">
<span><?php _e('Select'); ?></span>
<select data-setting="ds_select">
<option value="option1"> 'Option-1' </option>
<option value="option2"> 'Option-2' </option>
<label class="setting">
<span><?php _e('Bool'); ?></span>
<input type="checkbox" data-setting="ds_bool">
_.extend(wp.media.gallery.defaults, {
ds_text: 'no text',
ds_textarea: 'no more text',
ds_number: "3",
ds_select: 'option1',
ds_bool: false,
ds_text1: 'dummdideldei'
wp.media.view.Settings.Gallery = wp.media.view.Settings.Gallery.extend({
template: function(view){
return wp.media.template('gallery-settings')(view)
+ wp.media.template('custom-gallery-setting')(view);
UserInterface Shortcode
Everthings works fine beside: The number field isnt filled by shortcode. I believe the reason for this is that the HTML-input-tag type "number" only accept integer for "value". What do I have to add to code to change the string of ds_number to int?
Greetings rownn